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Art Workshop



Ofira Honig, Oihika Chakrabarti, Devika Mehta Kadam, Neta Ram-Vlasov

Kaleidoscope - Memories of world lockdown: A trauma-informed cross-cultural perspective for Art-therapy during the covid-19 pandemic lockdown in Israel and India

“Drawing makes you see things clearer, and clearer, and clearer still. The image is passing through you in a physiological way, into your brain, into your memory – where it stays – it's transmitted by your hands.” David Hockney.

The workshop and presentation are based on a cross-cultural art therapy (McNiff & Barlow, 2009) research study, conducted during covid-19 pandemic’s first lockdown in Israel and India. The initiative connected two countries – a collaboration between Beit Berl College, Israel and St. Xavier’s college, Mumbai, India. The project included guided art, structured by art therapists and based on theories of coping and resiliency in times of crisis (Leykin et al., 2012).

The research was approved by the academic institute’s ethics committees. Participants were 26 Expressive and Art Therapy students (13 from each country) The research included five stages of semi-structured art guidelines and questions that the researchers sent to the participants.

The workshop, ‘Memories of world lockdown through collage’, will include creating artwork individually as well as participating in a group discussion. It aspires to explore aspects of coping from the interpersonal to the intrapersonal, and to the social level. The collage guided art making parallels the third stage of the art-based intervention model in times of global crises and mass trauma, which has emerged from this research that point to grounded theory from a methodological perspective.

The workshop will be followed by a presentation that discusses the phenomenological evaluation of the art created by research participants and thematic analysis of the inquiry.

The themes and visual phenomena will be discussed within cross-cultural and trauma-informed (Malchiodi, 2020) art therapy perspectives, presenting creative processes that reflect perceptions of self, understanding of roles and world views during lockdown.

“Healing is the return of the memory of wholeness” - Deepak Chopra.


Leykin, D., Krkeljic, L., Rogel, R., Lev, Y., Niv, S., Spanglet, J. & Tal-Margalit, M. (2012). The BASIC Ph model of coping and resiliency: Theory, research and cross-cultural application. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Malchiodi, C.A. (2020). Trauma and expressive arts therapy: Brain, body, and imagination in the healing process. Guilford Press.
McNiff, S. & Barlow, G.C. (2009). Cross-cultural psychotherapy and art. Art Therapy, 26(3), 100-106.
The research collaboration was in English (data was originally analyzed in English).

Dr. Ofira Honig

2009-14 PhD, Sussex University, UK.
Topic: Post-graduate art therapy training in Israel: personal and professional transformation through dynamic, artwork-based experiential transformative courses.
1994. MA (Expressive-Creative Therapy), Lesley University (Boston, US).

1986-89 BA (Behavioral Sciences-Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology),
Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Employment relevant to lecture topic
2013 to date. Head, Art Therapy Dpt., Beit Berl Academic College.
Composed M.A. program in Art Therapy.
2014 to date. Head, MA program in Art Therapy, Beit Berl Academic College,
2002 to date. Lecturer, Beit Berl Academic College, Art Therapy Dpt.
2005-2012 Lecturer, David Yellin Academic College Art Therapy Institute.
2007-2008 Guest Lecturer on Art Psychotherapy, Bar Ilan University.
2000 to date Instructor and Supervisor of art psychotherapists.
2001-2004 Workshop Leader, Studies Instructor & Supervisor of psychotherapy & students, Hebrew University.
1995-2003 Lecturer in Art Therapy, Seminar HaKibbutzim College.
1992-2005 Art psychotherapist and supervisor, Mental Health Center.

Recent Publications and Presentations

Honig, O., Rinat, S., Feldman, A., Gindi, S. (2019). A Chorus of Angels, The Ripple of Water, and The Weight of Stone: art therapy and artwork which cradle both family carers and their relative with dementia. In: Wood, M., Jacobson, B. & Cridford, H. (Eds.). The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care (pp. 161-180). Routledge.

Conference presentations
2016: Honig, O. KeyNote: transformative dynamic teaching. The International Art Therapy Conference, October 2016, ‏ Expressive Arts in Action, Say: Yes We Can! Bled, Slovenia

2016: Honig, O. Inquiring our personal and professional identity through movement, color and writing. Workshop at the International Art Therapy Conference, October 2016, ‏ Expressive Arts in Action, Say: Yes We Can! Bled, Slovenia.

2016: Honig, O. Paper presentation:The PENTAGONAL Space That Enables A Topic-Led, Transformative Learning. International Art Therapy Conference, April 2016, ‏ Finding Spaces, Making Places: Exploring social and cultural space in contemporary Art Therapy practice, Goldsmiths ‎University of London, England

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