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The Consortium was established in 1991 with assistance from ERASMUS.  Accordingly, membership is linked to recognition by the European Union of Institutions of Higher Education. Currently the Consortium has three categories of membership.

Categories of Membership

Full Member


Full Membership is offered to Institutions of Higher Education / Universities that offer courses in accordance with the criteria below. Such Institutions must be formally recognised as such by appropriate European Union (EU) authorities, such as ERASMUS.  Only Full Members have voting rights and the right to hold office on the Executive.  Each Full Member Institution has one vote only.


Associate Member


Institutions of Higher Education / Universities in the process of developing courses in the Arts Therapies as described above may join the Consortium as Associate Members and thereby benefit from the experience and expertise offered by the Consortium. Normally, an Associate Membership will be reviewed after a maximum of four years. Each course will be reviewed on an individual basis, following which: a fixed-term renewal of Associate Membership may be recommended, the cessation of Membership proposed, or an invitation to apply for Full Membership offered. It is expected that applications for Full Membership would follow normal procedures.


Partner Member


Partner Membership may be given to Institutions of Higher Education / Universities that do not qualify for either full or Associate Membership but that hold a legitimate partnership  involving the Arts Therapies with a full member/s of the Consortium. By 'Legitimate Partnership' we mean a formally agreed contractual arrangement – eg. a franchise arrangement, within the area of Arts Therapies education/training.


Associate and Partner Members will be invited to attend all General Assembly meetings of the Consortium including all activities that take place during the General Assembly. They do not, however, have the right of representation on the General Assembly (ie. they do not have voting rights) and cannot hold office on the Executive.

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