Audronė Brazauskaitė
Unlocking Memory Knots
Many world mythologies interpret the world as a cloth or web, the universe being created by spinning or weaving. All the goddesses of creation and fertility, of the Aztecs and Mayans, Balts and other nations are described as great weavers. A knot is a cross, it is a bond with someone, it is anchored and locked together, a secret, a protection. The symbolic untying of the knot is inseparable from birth, death and wedding customs. Every mystery or riddle is a knot and finding an answer is an un-knotting. In Buddhism, the term ‘inner knots’ is used. Buddhist monk and teacher
Thich Nhat Hanh says that in order to protect each other’s happiness, we need to know and report our inner knots as soon as they appear, talk about them and unravel them. Discovering one's inner knots, talking to them and weaving new connections is a path of self-knowledge that continues in creation. Interpersonal relationships, thoughts, their synchronicity, contradictions, reflections - like creating a network or fabric. The anthropological and archetypal meaning of weaving is the weaving of joints and ties. In this hands-on experience, all participants will explore the archetypal and personal meanings of knot untying. Using the knot unlock action, we will allow our associations to create images freely. The different tools and materials with which we create works of art will allow us to see what images of memory appear when a knot is opened and how they create new transformations in communication using word and verse. It will be an opportunity to talk in images and texts about the secrets of your knots.
Atminties Mazgų Atrišimas
Daugybė pasaulio mitologijų aiškina pasaulį kaip audeklą ar tinklą, visata esą sukurta verpiant arba audžiant. Visos actekų ir majų, baltų ir kitų tautų kūrybos, derlingumo, vaisingumo deivės apibūdinamos kaip didžios audėjos. Mazgas – tai kryžius, tai surišimas su kuo nors, įtvirtinimas ir kartu užrakinimas, paslaptis, apsauga. Simbolinis mazgo atrišimas neatsiejamas nuo gimimo, mirties, vestuvių papročių. Kiekviena paslaptis ar mįslė yra mazgas, o atsako radimas- mazgo atrišimas. Budizme yra terminas „vidiniai mazgai“. Budistų vienuolis ir mokytojas Thich Nhat Hanh sako, kad norėdami apsaugoti vieni kitų laimę, turime žinoti ir pranešti apie savo vidinius mazgus, kai tik jie atsiranda, apie juos kalbėti ir išpainioti. Savo vidinių mazgų atradimas, kalbėjimasis su jais, naujų ryšių pynimas- tai savęs pažinimo kelias, kuris tęsiasi kūryboje. Tarpasmeniniai ryšiai, santykiai, mintys, jų sinchroniškumas, prieštaros, atspindžiai – kaip tinklo ar audinio kūrimas. Antropologinė ir archetipinė audimo prasmė - jungčių ir ryšių pynimas. Šiame praktiniame patyrime visi dalyviai tyrinės archetipines bei asmenines mazgo atrišimo prasmes. Naudojant mazgo atrišimo veiksmą, leisime savo asociacijoms laisvai kurti vaizdinius. Skirtingos dailės priemonės ir medžiagos, sukurti kūriniai leis mums pamatyti kokie atminties vaizdiniai pasirodo atrišus mazgą ir kaip jie kuria naujas ryšių transformacijas, naudojant žodį ir eiles. Tai bus galimybė kalbėti vaizdais ir žodžiais apie savo mazgų paslaptis.
Audronė Brazauskaitė
Audronė Brazauskaitė, Doctor in social sciences (educology (07 S), Vilnius pedagogical university, 2001). This was the first time in Lithuania that a thesis was defended based on art therapy for children with learning disabilities. It was titled ‘Developing A Sense of Self Through Art in Children with Severe and Moderate Learning Disabilities’. She is an art therapist and a pioneer of this profession in Lithuania (2015). Supervisor, founder member of the Lithuanian Art Therapy Association in 1997. She has worked in the interdepartmental work groups, aiming at the formalization of art therapy as a profession in Lithuania. Has worked in the work group creating the first in Lithuania second level joint programme ‘Art therapy’ in the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) – Vilnius Academy of Arts (VDA). Lecturer of the LSMU Rehabilitation Clinics. Founder and director of the Public Enterprise Arts Therapy Centre (Menų terapijos centras). Research areas: art therapy, image perception, visual creation, self-knowledge, health links, interdisciplinary discourse.
Recent Publications
Brazauskaitė, A. & Tautkevičius, V. (2018). Experiences of people with Epilepsy during Art Therapy / Epilepsija sergančiųjų potyriai dailės terapijos metu.- Rehabilitation Sciences: Nursing, Physiotherapy, Ergotherapy LITHUANIAN SPORTS UNIVERSITY KLAIPĖDA UNIVERSITY , 1 (18) 2018 ISSN 2029-3194 / eISSN 2538-8673, The journal is indexed in IndexCopernicus , file:///C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Reabilitacija_2018_1_su-virseliu.pdf
Brazauskaitė, A. Drawings speaking out loud / Garsiai kalbantys piešiniai..- Menas, terapija, sveikata/ Art, Therapy, Health: monografija/ book compilers: Stanislovas Mostauskis, Audronė Brazauskaitė. – Kaunas: Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Leidybos namai, ISBN: 9789955154181. 2017 UDK 615.85:73/76 Me-141
Brazauskaite, A., Svirusyte, D. & Dikciute, S. (2016). The Social meaning of Modern Art: I know myself when I am next to you; References: 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2016, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, 2016, ISBN 978-619-7105-53-7 / ISSN 2367-5659, Apr 06-09, Book 4, Vol.1, 213-224 pp, DOI: 10.5593/SGEMSOCIAL2016/HB41/S05.028
Brazauskaitė, A.& Dikčiūtė, S. (2015). ISBN 978-609-95758-0-3 “Social Aspect of Modern Art: performances”, “Qualitative research: Experience of People with Disabilities and Artists in Creating a Joint Performance”
Brazauskaitė A. (2004). Monografija “Vaikų dailės terapinis aspektas” The therapeutic aspect of the children’s Art, Vilnius:Gimtasis Žodis, 2004, ISBN 9955-512-50-4